Friday, August 15, 2008

Franky the fast turtle

Today we found a turtle. We found it on the road and we pick it up. We put it in the truck and took it home. You wouldn't believe this: he is very fast. I call him Franky fast. I put him in a box to keep him. He is black and yellow. I will take a picture and show it to you.



Ali Garner said...

Hi Ellie! I can't wait to see a picture of your turtle. It sounds very cute. We have a sign near our house that says "Turtle Crossing" but so far we haven't seen any turtles.

kimandval said...

Franky was a fast turtle. When it was raining, Spencer and I went to get our umbrellas and I forgot to put Franky back in his box, so we lost him. He was just too fast.

Ali Garner said...

I'm sorry you lost Frankie, but maybe he was homesick and wanted to go back to his mom and dad. He's probably telling them all about his adventure with you!