Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Happy (Belated) Birthday TAYLOR!

Brennan would like to sing you a song: "Happy to you, Happy to you"

We hope you had a great birthday! We miss you and want to see you again, soon!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Ethan Has His Say

My Summer was good. My favorite things about Thailand were the food and the elephants. I went to a conservation camp. The theme of the camp was history. Everything except the mosquitos was awesome at the camp.

My baby sister Meredith is awesome. She usually doesn't cry. She likes to have people flail her arms and legs around wildly. She actually smiles when I do that. She looks really cool. She has a lot of hair.

School is okay. I'm in 7th grade. I have some nice teachers and good classes, like life skills, spanish, and computers. I have friends that I hang out with at lunch.

I like being a deacon. Passing the sacrament is good. Deacons' quorum is fun. I had a lot of fun at scout camp. It was long and grueling and we ate gruel!