Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas

To all the Cousins! We hope the day was filled with JOY and happiness!

Happy Birthday Tallis

A little late (again). Sorry. But, happy birthday to you. We all hope you had a wonderful day and that you got fun things and sang songs and danced. Hip Hip.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Ellie completed this project for school. The houses are made from clay from our back yard.

by Ellie Brown

Pueblo Indians lived in the Southwestern region of North America. "Pueblo" is a Spanish word that means "Village."

Pueblo Indians lived in hot, desert areas. They were farmers and lived in homes called Adobes.

Adobe is made of clay, sand, straw and water, formed into bricks and dried in the sun. The thick, heavy walls of Adobe homes helped to keep the people cool. A few pueblo villages still exist today.

Pueblo Indians also used clay to make pottery. Their pottery was simply the best!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Happy Belated....

Ooops, sorry Noah. Time slipped away and we didn't get to post your Happy Birthday!
We hope your day was wonderful and that you got lots of vanilla ice cream!