Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mila's Report

I had an assignment at school. I had to look up bats, and here are some cool facts I found.  

Breathtaking Bats
You might think that bats are pests, carry rabies, eat all your fruit, and get stuck in your hair. However, most of that isn't true. Bats are important in many ways. Fruit bats spread the seeds from the fruit they eat and then new plants grow. Bats scatter 95% of the seeds in the tropical rain forests. They also pollinate flowers and eat harmful insects.  
Bats are mammals. They give birth to live young, feed them milk, have fur, and are warm-blooded. Did you know that bats are the only flying mammals? The smallest bats are only 29 mm while the bigger bats are about 5 ft. long. Also, their weight ranges from 2 grams to 3 pounds. 
Bats do not live in only one area. In fact, there are 1,100 species worldwide! Some bats live in forests, deserts, jungles, and cities. 
Did you know that not all bats drink blood? Only Vampire Bats do. A lot of bats eat fruit, insects, fish, frogs, and small animals. 
There are two kinds of bats: Megachiroptera and Michrochiroptera bats. Megachiroptera bats have big eyes and small ears, while Microchiroptera have small eyes and big ears and use echo location. ALso, bats are sacred in Tonga and West Africa.  

1 comment:

Ali Garner said...

Milena, did your mom tell you that twice we saw bats in the old rock house? Creepy! They may be important and don't suck your blood, but I still would rather see them on tv or in a book than in real life!